Who is the audience of the future? Get to know Gen Z
Young people today are your audience of the future. They are more digital, more flexible and like new experiences. They will be your most significant target group in the next 15 or 20 years. Find out what makes this generation tick and get ready for the future.
Why Gen Z?
Gen Z is the term used for the generation born between the late 1990s and 2010. Gen Z is fundamentally different from all other generations that came before them: they are the first generation that has never known a world without the internet and such rapid technological developments. Digital comes as second nature to them.

A different cultural audience than we are accustomed to
This is a completely different kettle of fish, compared to the traditional cultural audience who buys a ticket in advance and only attends live performances on location. It is important for cultural organisations to respond to the needs and wants of this changing audience to ensure that they continue to attract an audience in the future.
Er is ook een handleiding om concreet aan de slag te gaan met het publiek van de toekomst. Bekijk de handleiding.
4 behavioural changes
The behavioural changes are mainly seen in the following four areas:
Gen Z is the fastest growing group of consumers. In twenty years’ time, this group will form your core audience. This generation is less attached to personal possessions but wants easy access to services, for instance via digital platforms.
Self-expression and the creation of a personal identity or group identity is important. This generation uses various channels to communicate with their peers and also expects to be able to use these channels to contact organisations.
Organisaties die zich inzetten voor een betere wereld hebben een streepje voor, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van duurzaamheid. Ook op persoonlijk vlak maakt Gen Z zich hard voor het grotere goed, ze houden zich actief bezig met maatschappelijke thema's.
Deze generatie is diverser dan alle generaties ervoor. Dit publiek is open-minded en verlangt dezelfde integriteit en transparantie van organisaties.
Gen Z is coming! Are you ready?
That Gen Z is on their way is a sure fact and the next generation (Alpha) is already waiting in line. The question is: are you ready for change? Being prepared is half the battle. It is never too early to start thinking about tomorrow’s audience and to ensure that your organisation has the flexibility and resilience to confidently face the future.