Are you ready for the audience of the future?

Your audience lives in a digital world where everything is available, regardless of time and place. Time for the cultural sector to conquer the digital world.

DEN lanceert de CyberVeilig Check voor culturele organisaties

DEN lanceert, in nauwe samenwerking met het Digital Trust Center (DTC), de CyberVeilig Check voor de cultuursector! Cyberveiligheid is ook voor cultuurorganisaties van groot belang. Wist je dat 3 op de 10 culturele organisaties te maken hebben gehad met een cyberincident? DEN neemt graag het initiatief voor de cultuursector en ontwikkelde de CyberVeilig Check!

A digital strategy: this is your guide to start

Find, connect and retain your audience of the future digitally. By integrating digital ambitions with the overall strategy the organisation becomes resilient and viable. How to approach this integration? DEN will help you start.

Digital transformation explained

Everyone is talking about it. But what exactly do we mean by digital transformation? Find out why it's time for the cultural sector to step in.

Further into the depths

Do you dare to seize digital opportunities with your organization? Create interactions with your audience, increase your accessibility and explore business models.

All subjects

What does digital transformation mean for your organization? Get started with the different DEN topics to create an integrated approach.

Inspiration and knowledge that help you improve your cultural attitude with the power of digital

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