DEN Digital Transformation Scan: How future-ready is your organisation?
The cultural sector is in the midst of a transformation process; specifically, a digital transformation process. As a manager or board member of a cultural organisation, you are continually challenged to put digital transformation high on the agenda. At what stage is your organisation in this process? And what are the specific steps you can take? Fill in the Digital Transformation Scan to find out!
What is the Digital Transformation Scan?
Understanding where your organisation is in the process is the first step to getting a grip on digital transformation. The Digital Transformation Scan is a self-scan tool developed specifically for cultural organisations. The scan examines the various components involved in digital transformation to help organisations find out where they are.

The outcomes of the scan indicate where your organisation is in the process of digital transformation. At the end of the scan we offer advice and informational articles to help you progress further. By means of specific and inspiring follow-up steps, you can systematically engage with digital transformation, starting tomorrow.
The five phases of digital transformation
The Digital Transformation Scan distinguishes the following five phases:
- Starting: your organisation is starting out on the digital transformation process.
- Learning: your organisation is developing skills and gaining knowledge about digitisation and new technologies.
- Executing: your organisation is able to implement digital transformation initiatives.
- Connecting: you are progressing from separate initiatives to strategy-driven digital activities.
- Integrated: your digital ambitions are an integral part of your strategy, centred on your target groups.

Discover where your organisation is at
Perform the Digital Transformation Scan and challenge the rest of the organisation to determine your digital ambitions together, based on the outcomes. The questions help you to think about the organisation and the role that digitisation plays in your operational management. You can also perform the scan as a team, and then use the outcomes as a starting point for policy development or for an effective dialogue about your digital ambitions. The scan takes about 10 minutes to complete.
Responses from the testpanel
The Digital Transformation Scan was tested by an independent panel of leaders from diverse cultural organisations. Below you will read a summary of their responses:
"I recognise the outcome of the scan. We cannot perform all we would like since we are a small museum. I recognise the challenges in our approach through the outcome of this scan and this scan gives me input on how to face those challenges."
"The questions from the scan have ignited my thinking process on this topic. I am very happy with the outcome and the knowledge of the different steps of maturity of the Digital Transformation Scan model."