An innovative approach means remaining flexible in a changing world
The world around us is constantly changing but we continue to do the same things. Organisations tend to stick to working practices that have not really been working for a very long time, either because they have been doing it this way for many years now or because they just don’t know any better. An innovative approach helps you to break these patterns so that you can respond flexibly to new developments and remain relevant for your audience.
What is an innovative approach?
An innovative approach involves breaking long-established patterns. We frequently see how people use the same processes and procedures for years on end. We stick to methods that have not been yielding the desired results for a long time. This could be because the world around us has changed, because our roles have expanded or because our goals have changed. “An innovative approach means that you continuously ask whether you are still doing the right things,” says Maaike Verberk, DEN director. “This provides you with the necessary focus and flexibility to adapt to change.”

Put your audience first
The cultural sector is all about the audience. Nevertheless, many organisations still fail to squarely put the focus on the audience in their work processes. An innovative approach also means keeping your audience in mind when developing your programmes. It challenges organisations to be customer focused, for example through design thinking.
Design thinking: an effective innovation method
The design thinking method focuses on the needs of your target group and involves working towards a first version of your product or service in five steps. Innovation expert Jon Heemsbergen (Art-up) explains: “By putting yourself in the shoes of your target group or user, you can develop a product or service that truly fits their needs. You can test your ideas in practice and you quickly learn how best to further develop your particular concept. This results in a constantly changing offering and allows you to work on the basis of people’s actual input rather than your gut feeling.” The innovative approach helps your organisation to avoid remaining trapped in a tunnel vision.
The innovative approach boosts the digital transformation
Digital transformation is a continuous change process throughout the entire organisation, driven and supported by digital tools. Pivotal to the transformation process is a change of business model, whereby you continually ask how you provide value to your target group.
An innovative approach helps tackle this challenge. The digital transformation impacts all areas of your organisation, from culture and strategy to processes and skills. By investing in new working methods, you make sure you are ready for this change.
“An innovative approach is necessary for the development of new business models that align with the audience of the future. It fits the digital transformation’s iterative process.”
Your turn now!
Anyone can be the driving force behind change. Have you identified any work processes that could do with improvement? Take the next step and apply an innovative approach. This is how:
- Ask the right, critical questions. For example, check the last time a process was evaluated or updated.
- Approach a project differently this time: put yourself in the shoes of your target group
- Use digital tools that make your work easier.