DEN Focus Model: a starting point for digital transformation
Digital transformation is no easy task and this is why we developed a practical tool to help you get started: the DEN Focus Model. This model is one of the basic models for our vision on digital transformation and is used in almost all DEN Academie programmes.
Krijg inzicht in jouw digitale activiteiten
Digitale transformatie is wat anders dan het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe site of het streamen van een voorstelling. Het is een fundamentele keuze om in alles wat je doet na te gaan of en hoe je digitaal kan werken. Je integreert daarmee digitale technologie in zowel je beleid als je activiteiten. Deze integrale werkwijze is belangrijk omdat het cruciaal is voor een succesvolle transformatie.
Digitale stappen zetten vraagt om een slimme strategie die de hele organisatie omvat. Vanuit deze digitale strategie formuleer je projecten. Het DEN Focusmodel is een hulpmiddel om de samenhang binnen je project te checken en te vergroten. Met de uitkomsten kan je meer samenhang creëren en toekomstige ideeën beter vormgeven.
Keep track of your digital activities
Digital transformation is very different from developing a new website or streaming a show. It is a fundamental choice to check if and how you can do things digitally, with everything you do. This way you integrate digital technology in both your policies as well as your activities. This integral working method is crucial for a successful transformation. Digital transformation is not some easy task that you can implement quickly. It requires a well-elaborated digital strategy that looks at all areas of your organisation step by step. But how do you keep track of your progress with this integral approach? How can your organisation or activities respond to this? Where do you start? And what are the benefits?
To help get a better grip, DEN has developed a practical tool called the DEN Focus Model. This tool helps you to map out your organisation’s digital activities. Using the results, you can look into ways to create more cohesion. It also helps you to further develop ideas for the future.
What is the DEN Focus Model?
The DEN Focus Model consists of four axes: ‘product’, ‘audience’, ‘organisation’ and ‘creative’. These four axes divide the model into four quadrants, in which you can plot your organisation’s digital initiatives, projects, products and services and the principles (values) of your strategy.
Download the Focus Model (Opent een externe link) and take the first step in your digital transformation journey. The downloaded document tells you more about the Focus Model and how you can use it for your organisation.

Getting started with the DEN Focus Model
The DEN Focus Model is one of the basic models for our vision on digital transformation and is used in almost all DEN Academie programmes. DEN Academie: your digital transformation training programme | DEN