The value of a digital strategy for cultural organisations
If you want to remain in step with a changing world and to continue reaching new audience generations, then digital transformation is your key to success. A digital strategy will help you do so. By strategically considering how digital tools can enhance various aspects and processes within your organisation, you can fully utilise the opportunities offered by digital transformation. DEN offers tips, tools and training courses to help you develop a digital strategy that works for your organisation.
What is a digital strategy?
An effective digital transformation strategy fully connects with your organisation’s mission and vision. Want to reach a new audience? Or to improve and prolong how you serve existing audiences? And how does that fit with your organisation’s societal role? Starting from your overarching value, determine how digital tools can provide support. These will then become the components of your digital strategy.
A digital strategy forms a comprehensive approach. This means that it affects work processes and value creation, but also the audience experience and artistic creation. The DEN Focus model can teach you more. Developing a digital strategy helps you get a grip on organisational processes and to better understand your target groups and working methods. This way, you contribute to preparing the organisation and your team for the future.

Digital strategy in digital transformation
Digital transformation is a change process throughout the organisation, motivated and supported by the increasing use of digital technologies. This transformation also changes the business model: how can we offer value to a new and changing audience? To answer this question, it’s important to consider all aspects of your organisation, including your strategy. Digital transformation is propelled by digitalisation. At the same time, digitalisation creates opportunities for digital transformation. In short, your digital strategy is your digital transformation strategy.
Ga aan de slag met de ontwikkeling van een digitale strategie
De DEN Academie biedt training aan voor jouw organisatie op het gebied van het ontwikkelen van een digitale strategie.
Plan een incompany workshop - op locatie bij jouw organisatie- met je collega's of volg de e-learning in jouw eigen tijd en tempo.