Expert Session Strategic Digital Infrastructure

6 februari 2024, 13:00-15:00

The digital infrastructure for the cultural sector offers the broadest and most efficient audience reach for cultural institutions, entrepreneurs, and artists. And, for publicly funded arts, the purpose and scope is broader than monetization or profitability alone. The objective of the policy challenge is to develop a compelling business case for a widely adopted digital transformation in the arts & culture sector in The Netherlands.

Our expert session is called Strategic digital infrastructure: a national collective digital space where cultural audiences and the arts & culture sector connect.

This is an invitation-only session for European stakeholders from the arts & culture sector.

Focus of the meeting

Shared infrastructures have always been an important accelerator throughout our history.

One of the current key challenges for cultural sectors across Europe, is to develop a vision, policy, and plan for the digital infrastructure for their cultural sector.

The objective of the policy challenge is to develop a compelling business case for such a digital space in The Netherlands, that is supported and embraced by all or most segments of the arts & culture sector and that offers freedom for both individual creativity and cultural entrepreneurship.

During this informal complimentary 2-hour session, DEN will present the key findings of:

  • Recent market research on cultural infrastructure projects in Europe
  • Research regarding audience expectations for the digital infrastructure.

The findings serve as the conversation starter between representatives of stakeholders in Europe from the arts & culture sector to compare current visions and plans on this topic and to explore potential collaboration and knowledge sharing.

Personal invitation only

We invite experts from institutions involved in policymaking and policy acceleration within the European arts & culture sector. We welcome representatives from ministries, expert centres, think tanks, incubators, cultural development agencies, research institutes, innovation hubs, and advocacy groups.

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Tips, inspiratie en kennis over digitale transformatie in de cultuursector